Friday, December 11, 2009

Critique of Checking the Balance

After browsing through my fellow classmates blog posts I came across Checking the Balance's article:Gay and Lesbian marriage should be legalized in all fifty states and was immediately interested. Her opinion was very structured . Some of my friends would call me a homophobe but I personally have nothing against gays or lesbians. In general I don't like people advancing on me but especially men but I see nothing wrong with their sexual orientation.

If a gay man or lesbian wanted to get married I am all for it. They should be treated the same as every other member of society. What about equal protection under law? You are going into legally binding marriage. That's why they use the term "lawfully" wedded husband or wife. I agreed with the statement she made," marriage is about love, commitment, and happiness."

It was a well written blog and would like to commend her for sticking up for the gay community.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ft. Hood investigation under way

I recently read an article on entitled Pentagon Probe Leaders Visit Fort Hood to Begin Investigation. It stated that today November 24th, 2009 the Pentagon sent investigators to Ft. Hood to gather information as to how to prevent future incidents from happening. The investigation will go on a course of 45 days in which former Secretary of the army, Togo West, said they will examine policies and procedures

"that have to do with how we deal with service members who may ... cause trouble or harm to their fellows." After the terrible Ft. Hood massacre on November 5, 2009 many people have been asking themselves what would drive someone to that breaking point.

Investigators are also to evaluate first responders. Former Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Vernon Clark and head of the investigation board along with Togo stated that ,"the story about how the first-responder team performed is very, very encouraging." In the article it is also mentioned that the Ft. Hood shooter ,Army Major Nidal Hasan, will face 13 counts of premeditated murder and is to be tried in military court. His lawyer issued a statement saying that there is a possibility of pleading not guilty with an insanity defense.

In my professional opinion the investigation can do a lot of good not only for situations in military bases but also in civilian cases. As far as Nidal Hasan pleading not guilty due to insanity I believe that due to the extent of the damage he caused it would not help as much in his defense.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

To deploy or not to deploy

I recently read a post on A Sprinkle of Politics! blog and found it to be quite interesting. I agree with her argument about the war.

My father served in the army as well as some friends and family and although I was taught to have pride and patriotism for my country I am completely opposed to any war of any kind. Those who give the whole,"They are fighting for our freedom" speech should really think about what they are saying. The soldiers are fighting for the freedom of the citizens of the countries in which they are fighting in not ours. However that is merely my opinion.

As for the decision president Obama may make to deploy 40,000 more troops I believe that he is not the only one behind making that decision. If I am wrong please correct me. As much as I would love for our troops to come home it would make sense to ensure that we did not lose the lives of our brothers and sisters in vain. The troops have done alot since their arrival in the middle east.

I applaud you Ana for your critique and hope that some may even become open minded by reading it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Obama stirs up Jersey community

I came across this blog about an elementry in New Jersey whose students are being taught to idolize Barack Obama rather than President Obama. I find this to be a little extreme. Our children should be learning more important things than a song about a man who has not yet made his mark on our country. I mean no offense towards President Obama but i feel we are making him appear as a hero because of his status in our presidential history rather than because of his positive influence in our government and country. Like it was quoted in the article we are indeed "indoctrinating" our students.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Congress to make important decision

Give us a Break
In the article I read in the Statesman a recent Stanford law graduate by the name of Molly Claflin argues that loans student loans should go directly through the government. If congress knows what's best for the future of America they will not think twice about making the decision to cut out the middle man in regards to student loans. As of now a majority of college students rely on loans provided by big for-profit lenders many of which have rediculous interest rates. The money provided by interest rates are going to the pockets of the already wealthy executives. Now I dont know about you but I'd rather have my money going back into the community than to some old guy who can't even get a hard on. What is being proposed is that rather than going through a loan with a bank or other companies the government puts it in the hands of a program that already exists through the government. This will take the subsidies to private lenders and their profit margins and make more money available for students. More can be read at

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The tortured soul of a shoe thrower

Iraqi reporter Muntadhar al-Zeidi has become very popular for his shoe throwing fiasco during a visit, former president Mr. George Bush made in Iraq. It wasnt until his recent release from prison that he informed the media of abuse and torture. He claims he was shocked and beaten. Although he supposedly suffered in prison it seems as though throwing shoes at former world leaders is a turn on for some women in Iraq.

I feel this is completely outrageous. I asked my girlfriend if i threw a shoe, if it would turn her on. Needless to say she laughed and said hell no, then told me i was a nut case for asking. i explained to her where the question came from. Personally i have way more respect for world leaders than to pull a stunt like that. George bush is definately not one of my top most respected, and his past decisions i haven't necessarily agreed with but he has more authority than me and I know better. Then you have world leaders in other countries, which still i refuse to disrespect for the same reason. Of course this idiot thought what he did was hilarious and he is Mr. big shot where people are reading about him, but we look at him in disgrace not awe.

For a better read click on the link for the article below.