Friday, December 11, 2009

Critique of Checking the Balance

After browsing through my fellow classmates blog posts I came across Checking the Balance's article:Gay and Lesbian marriage should be legalized in all fifty states and was immediately interested. Her opinion was very structured . Some of my friends would call me a homophobe but I personally have nothing against gays or lesbians. In general I don't like people advancing on me but especially men but I see nothing wrong with their sexual orientation.

If a gay man or lesbian wanted to get married I am all for it. They should be treated the same as every other member of society. What about equal protection under law? You are going into legally binding marriage. That's why they use the term "lawfully" wedded husband or wife. I agreed with the statement she made," marriage is about love, commitment, and happiness."

It was a well written blog and would like to commend her for sticking up for the gay community.

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