Tuesday, November 10, 2009

To deploy or not to deploy

I recently read a post on A Sprinkle of Politics! blog and found it to be quite interesting. I agree with her argument about the war.

My father served in the army as well as some friends and family and although I was taught to have pride and patriotism for my country I am completely opposed to any war of any kind. Those who give the whole,"They are fighting for our freedom" speech should really think about what they are saying. The soldiers are fighting for the freedom of the citizens of the countries in which they are fighting in not ours. However that is merely my opinion.

As for the decision president Obama may make to deploy 40,000 more troops I believe that he is not the only one behind making that decision. If I am wrong please correct me. As much as I would love for our troops to come home it would make sense to ensure that we did not lose the lives of our brothers and sisters in vain. The troops have done alot since their arrival in the middle east.

I applaud you Ana for your critique and hope that some may even become open minded by reading it.

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